Tuesday, 10 September 2013

African Herbs, They Will help you Enlarge your Penis & Change Your Bedroom Life Forever

Are you dissatisfied by your sexual life? Are you having a week erection? Is early ejaculation your problem? Is it a small penis? Are these problems affecting your sex life?

I am going to introduce you to African sexual herbs that have been in use in Africa since time immemorial. The evidence of usage of these herbs lies in the high child birth on the continent and stickiness of women to their partners despite the low level wealth. Many men have more than one wife openly and none of them is complaining. It is not an easy fit.

There is the 'mulondo' herb. This is indigenous to East Africa. The 'mulondo' is used to control early ejaculation and increase your erection. It targets those parts of your body responsible for sexual stimulation and ejaculation. It increases the stimulation as well as increasing the blood into your penis. The result is a longer sexual performance and a stronger erection.

Many African men are capable of having sex with their several wives on a daily basis leaving each of them satisfied. They allocate each woman a day and each woman is always looking forward to her day with her husband. She knows that he will perform effectively thanks to the 'mulondo' herb.

Then there is the 'Entengo' which is common in Southern Sudan. The 'Entengo' has been used in the societies of Southern Sudan for a long time. People in these societies discovered a long time a go that a penis can only grow normally to a few inches. They discovered that a normally grown penis can hardly satisfy a woman. They went to the forest in search of herbs to remedy the problem and they discovered the 'Entengo'. This herb is used often with exercises to grow penises of children from an early age. When used consistently the penis takes on a new dimension gradually. That is why men from these regions have longer than normal organs.

These herbs can be used by any one from anywhere with the same results. Our Private Herbal Doctors have been involved in treating people with small penises for years. 

You can find out more at: http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Achino Herb For low Libido or Male Erection

Is your libido low? Do you struggle to get an erection or if you get an errection do not last for more than a minute?

If you answered yes then 'Abasi' herb is for you. This herb is common in East Africa and it has been in use since time immemorial.

This herb is also responsible for the high population growth in these regions because there is no chance that a man will find himself un able to perform his manly duties in a home. In these regions when a man can not perform his manly duties, he might end up being rejected by women for that reason he is regarded as being cased by his elders by not teaching him how to perform his manly duties and lacking the knowledge of using the Achino Herbs. Once the man discovers that he can not perform his manly duties to satisify his woman, he will seek for help and guidance from the elders for the knowledge of how to use the benfits of Achino herbs to restore his manhood.

I have a constant supply of 'Achino' herb, that I import from East Africa. It is very popular in that part of the nothern region as well.This is a herb has been used for thousands of years in Africa. It increases nitric oxide secretion so that the penis can take in the extra blood needed to make it hard and it's a fact, if you don't secrete enough nitric oxide - no erection can occur. This herb also increases levels of free testosterone in the body which is needed for a strong libido and for you to have the sexual stamina, to last longer in bed. It also plays a key role in relaxing the mind and fighting stress and anxiety which can cause erection problems.  There is a high demand for these herbs. You have to act quickly if you are to get part of the consignment that we have at the moment.

For more information visit :  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Monday, 2 September 2013

Natural Organic Herbs: Change Your Ways Before You Come For Love Spells

Natural Organic Herbs: Change Your Ways Before You Come For Love Spells: That is the advice I usually give to people who come to me to bring back their lost lovers or spouses. Loved ones hardly ever wake up in one...

Natural Organic Herbs: How Africans Enlarge Their Penises. You Too Can

Natural Organic Herbs: How Africans Enlarge Their Penises. You Too Can: Some tribes in Southern Sudan and many parts of East Africa have longer than normal penises. They achieve this fit through the usage of a he...

Do You Know That Lost Love Can Ruin Your Life?

Yes, if you lose the person you love it can ruin your life, through stress, depression, over eating, starving, alcohol abuse, promiscuity and many other ills. You try to be strong but deep inside you are dying slowly. Memories of the good times never stop flowing through your mind. The hugs, the kisses, the good times spent together are all but distant memories. If you do not do something about it, it can ruin your life, more often than not, for good. It is worse than death.

Lost love increases stress levels. Every time you think of those good times that are not around any more your stress levels rise. You feel unhappy. You feel sick. You feel unworthy. And if there is anything that can actually kill you is stress.

High stress levels culminates into depressed immune system. It is true. You start getting unexplained illnesses such as headaches, pimples, skin ulcerations, swellings in the armpits, swellings on the ankles and feet, common colds, and lack of appetite. All these are manifestations of a drop in your immune system that have been triggered by your high stress levels, which can be traced to your current situation of having lost your lover.

Lost love in may lead to alcohol abuse. A person who previously drunk occasionally, starts drinking daily and heavily. This affects your life terribly. Your work suffers. It may lead to accidents. It may lead to further loses say your job, your life and even alienates friends and family around you. You are not in control your faculties any more.

You may react by covering your sorrow of lost love in food, there by over eating. You balloon to sizes never before seen. Every time you over eat and balloon you worsen an already bad situation. You become more unattractive to both your former lover and possible suitors. Over wait usually triggers other health issues.

Other folks do the complete opposite, they shun food. Lack of food has the complete opposite of over eating. You become skinny. You also become unattractive. You know, people who are naturally small look the part and those that have lost weight due to some cause are visible from a mile away. Every person should look the way you are naturally molded. Any extreme from your normal body is unattractive.

The worst bit is that lost love can lead to physical and mental instability. Those un controllable thoughts of the good times that have ended can actually lead you to start doing abnormal and unsocial things. It may lead to promiscuity to deal with your loss. You may become quarrel some or withdrawn. These are signs of you losing your mental faculties. You may not see it, but those around you do.

By all means work on getting back your lost love as soon as possible. It is possible. It is not a healthy situation to be lonely, especially if you still love that person and can not let go. You can do it and you deserve better. Get the Crystal Love stone to Bring back your lover,

Dr Ismail can help get your lost love back. May I help you? Please find out more at:     For more information visit this website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

What Causes Break Ups in Love Relationships?

Breaking up with your loved one is due to the differences in us. We are all created different. Some people are introverts, while others are extroverts. Some people are naturally honest while others are inherently dishonest. Some people are capable of loving, while others are incapable of loving, whatever you do. Some people save and accumulate wealth, while others scatter wealth.

These are some of the differences that are part of our lives, which we take with us into love relationships. When we are too divergent and different from our partners, it is very difficult to find a common ground. The result will be a break up soon or later.

I worked with a client of mine, who loved and married a beautiful woman. This woman grew up in a completely dysfunctional family. Her father had no home to call his. He wondered from home to home, from girlfriend to girlfriend. Where the night found him, that was his home for a night. The mother was a drunkard, who went back to her maiden home on separation with the father of these children.

The children due to this dysfunctional home ended up being scattered all over the relatives. There was no direct parental care. In life, any one that lacks family direction takes the direction the streets dictate.

This lady despite her universal beauty, did not in the least have anything called love in her body. To her, family meant nothing. She never grew up in one. To her, money and what it could buy meant everything. So, any man who married her had to be able to provide all the wealth there is or he would lose her. It was that simple and obvious. If she finds some one wealthier, she would definitely move on and the cycle would continue. Remember, she never grew up in a proper family and therefore this was the least of her problems.

This lady married this client of mine and a break up, is what exactly happened. She lasted exactly two weeks in her marriage. What the new husband did not know, is that the lady had another lover on the side. She run to this lover, who apparently was married as well. Of course, she would do exactly the same to this man given an opportunity find some one wealthier.

She did not respect the institution of family, which the husband held dear. It meant nothing to her. There was no way this love relationship could work in a life time. The differences between the two, were too divergent to allow this marriage to work.

This client of mine came to me looking for love spells to lure this woman back home. But, my question is, is she worth the effort. Can life time differences be bridged for this relationship to work. I do not think so. Get the Love Binding Spiritual Herbs to stengthen your Love with the person you Love.

It is always better to attract a person whose differnces with you are marginal, for the relationships to work. May we help you?

Loving and being loved is natural to everyone. But, this is one area where we get it wrong most of the time because we do not take time to understand the laws of nature. The doctor can help you attract the right lover to you.

      For more information visit this website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

How Africans Enlarge Their Penises. You Too Can

Some tribes in Southern Sudan and many parts of East Africa have longer than normal penises. They achieve this fit through the usage of a herb locally known as 'Entengo' and exercising the penis. In fact women in these parts of the world completely despise men from other parts of the world because of their normally small penises as compared to the local men.

A penis as you may know is a muscle. Like all muscles in the body it grows naturally up to a certain size and does not continue to grow naturally unless if you exercise it or use other means. In the sports world, sports men use gyms to exercise their muscles. You can see them at a distance that, that person is a sports man. This is also true with your penis. You can exercise it and women will see at a distance and know that penis is different from what they usually see.

People from East Africa and Southern Sudan since time immemorial realized that a human penis can only grow as long. So, like other societies in Africa that cicurmcise their male and female, these other African societies have this ritual of helping their male grow their penises to longer than normal sizes, both in length and girth.

These societies achieve this fit by combining a herb that grows naturally in their societies known as the 'Entengo' and combine this with an exercise regime known as the 'jelqing'. The 'Entengo' herb targets the blood circulation into the penis increasing it tremendously. Whenever a man or boy gets an erection the penis receives more than the normal circulation of blood. When this happens the penis is forced to tear by this more than normal flow of blood. When the tissues of the penis tear they never go back to the old size. The penis takes on a new size. You can imagine how many erections you get a day! Within a month of using the 'Entengo' herb you will be able to see a distinct difference in size.

If you combine the herb and exercising the penis it even achieves the new dimension even faster. The exercising regime is known 'jelqing'. 'Jelqing' is milking your penis in a strocking format. You pull your penis which must be in a semi erect state in a fashion similar to how a cow is milked. No force should be used, the process must be gentle and not over exuberant. This process helps the penis tear and increase in girth and length.

The 'Entengo' herb and 'jelqing' combined have been used in African societies since time immemorial and men in these societies have longer than normal penises. In actual fact women in these societies would be disappointed if they ever slept with men from most other parts of the world. One thing for sure is that you can use the 'Entego' herb and 'jelqing' at any time in your life and you will be able to achieve a new penis size.

Dr Ismail has practised sexuality herbal treatment for years. You can find out more at: For more information visit this website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Are Traditional Healers Trained? Do They Know What They Are Doing?

Are traditional healers trained? Western medical doctors go through over 5 years of tertiary education plus 2 years of something similar to apprenticeship. How about the traditional healers, who are more common in African and South American village life? They are the first point of call in their communities in case of trouble, both health related and private life issues.

True traditional healers in traditional African societies go through years of tutelage and experience, by means of an apprenticeship that takes a minimum of 7 years or so depending on the society to which they belong.

In the Numba mountains of Southern Sudan, traditional healing is passed on from generation to generation. In a traditional healers family, the spirits choose a heir to whom the healing abilities are passed on and bestowed.

Some times the recipient of these abilities is chosen young and therefore easily groomed into a traditional healer. To some, it comes late in life. It usually follows unexplainable sicknesses that do not respond to modern medicine and can not be identified. The chosen person ails until the elders are able to decipher the signals that the spirits are beckoning this person to become a the new embodiment of the family tradition of healing.

I for one for example, I went through several years of apprenticeship to become a traditional healer. This was the time when bombs and bullets where raining in Southern Sudan. But there was no way I could run away and join thousands of Southern Sudanese that run off to Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and all other surrounding countries. The spirits could not allow me to abandon them. I had to be the embodiment of the clan and family spirits. I survived the carnage, as every one else either run, died or joined the combating groups. I did not do any of those and here I am.

During this period my spiritual ancestors and father took me through the traditional healing paces. I was taught the various herbs and the ailments they cured. I was taught the signs that spirits send to us, to foretell dangers and impending successes.

At the end of it all I was a well rounded traditional healer, herbalist and psychic. I have been able to heal several ailments affecting societies to which I belong. I have helped people avoid dangers. I have helped people attract luck and love. This shows you that traditional healers are actually trained. They are similar to modern western trained doctors. The laboratory of the traditional healer are the mountains and the bushes of the communities to which they belong.

The natural harmony of the body can only be restored by an integrated and holistic approach. That is where traditional healing comes in.
Do not suffer in silence there is hope. For more information please go to:  For more information visit this website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Change Your Ways Before You Come For Love Spells

That is the advice I usually give to people who come to me to bring back their lost lovers or spouses. Loved ones hardly ever wake up in one day and walk out. There is always a cause. More often than not the abusing partner continues with his or her ways without caring whatsoever about the feelings of the other party in a relationship. Their temporary success makes them feel invincible and a gift to the other partner. But without a doubt a break up is on the cards.

The most common cause of break ups in relationships include but not limited to:

1. Money issues in a relationship. If one of the parties feels that they carrying the monetary cross on behalf of the other partner they usually react by throwing in the towel and walk away from a relationship.

2. Infidelity in a relationship, a cheating partner usually makes the other party feel so aggrieved. The most common reaction is either revenge or a break up.

3. Physical and psychological abuse. A partner who abuses the other party either physically or psychologically is only courting disaster in the relationship.

4. Disrespecting a partner. Doing things that clearly show that you do not respect your partner, only leads to that partner feeling un appreciated and it is a question of time before a break up.

5. Influence from outsiders. Many people are susceptible to what people outside a relationship think. They go out looking for and listening to outsiders. If outsiders disapprove of the relationship they usually follow suit and move out or cheat. This irreparably poisons the aggrieved partner.

The problem with most people is that they have not listened to their feelings well. They are not very sure as to whether they truly love their partners. They are only able to get the true feeling when the partner has moved on and regrettably more often than not, forever.

What usually happens is that the partner that has been dumped comes to me for Love Spells. I have no problem with that at all. The problem is that, if you have not changed your ways, just like clock work the problems will reoccur and the relationship will fail once again.

I have a client who lost his business not so long ago. He abused his wife to vent some of his frustration. She moved on, amazingly, to the total dismay of the partner. This client of mine has come to me looking for love spells to bring back his loved one. I have advised him that, getting love spells is easy, keeping the relationship healthy and avoiding the recurrence of the problems is the hard part. I have advised him to get his cash flow going first ahead of the relationship or otherwise the frustration that led to the earlier problems are on the cards once again.

Dr. Ismail can help get your lost love back. May I help you? Please find out more at: For more information visit :  Website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Do You Know the Principles on Which to Judge Your Traditional Healer?

There are four pillars of Traditional Healing which are: "learning, insight, goodwill and empathy". These are the basic principles that should guide the Traditional Healer in all his or her actions. These pillars are the corner stone of traditional healing which is often referred to as wizard medicine. It is these four principles that you should judge whether your healer is for real or a quack.

Healers have to go through a lengthy process of learning. The bushes are full of all kinds of plants, poisonous and non poisonous, those with curative powers and those that do not have. It is therefore imperative that a traditional healer goes through a lengthy period of training, to learn about these plants and know what they can do and what they can not do.

The training does not stop with plants. It continues to signs from the spirits. These healers must be able to read paranormal signs. A traditional healer has to get training in throwing of the bones and in the calling and communicating with the spirits. When the bones are thrown they fall in a certain way as directed by the spirits. A traditional healer must have the training to read the alignment of the thrown bones.

The spirits do communicate directly and through dreams. A healer must be able to decipher and interpret dreams. This is not possible if you do not go through a lengthy period of training. This demonstrates the first pillar of traditional healing and healers, which is learning. Find out the training to which your traditional healer went through. It will give you guidance of what type of person he is.

We learn the signs of nature that give us a rare insight. This is the insight to foretell, to see beyond what the normal eye can see. Without training and apprenticeship, it is not possible to have this insight. This is what differentiates us from modern western doctors. Ask question to see whether your traditional doctor has insight into your life.

A traditional healer must have the goodwill to solve peoples problems. Traditional healing is not about creating and amassing wealth for the practitioner. It is about solving your problems. It is about goodwill for the suffering fellow human being. This the third cardinal pillar of traditional healing.

Empathy, a traditional healer must have the ability to get into the boots of the suffering person. The problem may be loss of love or lack of money. A traditional healer must be able to walk in these boots. To feel what you are going through. It is only through walking in your boots, the suffering person that you can give a proper solution to the client.

A traditional healer is capable of giving more rounded solutions to people's problems, because of the four pillars that govern their practice. That is learning, insight, goodwill and empathy and it is on these four pillars that you should check your traditional healer.

The natural harmony of the body can only be restored by an integrated and holistic approach. That is where traditional healing comes in. Do not suffer in silence there is hope.

For more information please go to: For more information visit this website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Bring Back Lost Love - You Can Get Help, But Avoid This Behavior First

Your lost love can be back in your arms in no time. Your current thoughts and dreams of having your love back in your arms can come true. The hugging, the kissing, the small talk, all those great things that made your love tick when you first met each other can become a reality again, only and only if you do the right thing and avoid the wrong things like a plague.

The wrong approach that will make your now ex lover resent you and move further away from you is: stalking him or her. The constant phone calls, SMS messages, hanging near where he or she stays currently with an aim of stealing glance of him or her, will only serve to show desperation and bleed resentment. Please avoid them. Nothing, please remember nothing sends your ex lover further away like stalking behaviour. Please avoid it, however much you feel like connecting with this person.

Another thing you should avoid is to plead. That is the second approach that should be avoided. Humanity is complex. A normal human being is bad. We have animal instincts. Normal human beings are not wired to be kind and to react kindly. When you plead with them that is when they behave even worse. Your ex will definitely refuse and even behave more callously towards you. Do not plead with them to come back to you. Avoid it. It is easier said than done I know, but try your level best not to plead. Pleading shows desperation and human beings are not wired to help desperate people. Pleading only serves to push your lover further away from you. Ignore your ex lover and they will start missing you. That is reverse psychology that actually works.

Your greatest ally in this situation is time. You should be like a cat stalking a prey. Have you seen that happen. The cat will take all the time in its life just lurching in the background, pretending that nothing is happening and the time comes when the cat leaps and gets it's prey. The cat never fails. It never fails because it understands the psychology of it's prey. It fumbles the prey will detect it and run.

If you have headed my advise above then get hold of help from a traditional healer. Something can be done supernaturally. Love spells from deep in the mountains of Africa can now be brought into play. Why do African women and men leave their lives forever together despite the abject poverty you see around them. Do you think it is just luck and it repeats itself from village to village through most of Africa? There must be something beyond what meets the eye. That secret is what can be used to help you.

Many people who have sought out help get it. Your search has come to an end if you truly need a change in your love life. Do you really need the lost lover back? Are you sure?

Click here for more information on how we can help: For more information visit this website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

The Best Way to Find Gay Love and Sex in Discriminating Societies

In many societies in Africa and in the Middle East being gay is a taboo. In these societies a gay man faces prejudice, discrimination and even he can be ostracized. I have seen many people take their lives because they can not cope with the prejudice. This intolerance goes on despite the fact that homosexuality has been practised in these societies since time immemorial. Getting a partner to love and be loved becomes not only very difficult but often impossible. Your sex urge remains unsatisfied, you remain unloved and you wonder whether it is worth continuing with life.

It is not all lost. You can get love and sex in these intolerant societies too. Being gay is natural whether societies want to believe it or not. There is always gay people though some may will hide their sexuality. You can find a partner.

One of the easiest ways to gay love and sex is to seek out people who look the part. In many situations people who are inclined to same sex relationship usually show these traits easily. The mannersim is going to be there to show ones sexual inclination. But, if you are not sure please do not risk because in Africa and in the Middle East if you get it wrong it may even spell death or even exile. In Uganda recently some lunatic member of parliament wanted to enact a law to punish same sex love and sex with a death penalty. That is how poisoned this part of the world is.

If you know any gay person, network with them. It is through these networks that you will get the right partner. People know other people with similar inclination.

The internet will only work in places such as South Africa that are liberal towards gay relationships. The internet gives you a wide spectrum of people with similar sexual inclination like you without spending a life time searching.

Bars are a no go place when looking for gay love and sex. It is very difficult to find descent people there although not completely impossible. But in most of the discriminating societies it will be very difficult to find a joint frequented by gay people.

One thing that most gay people do not think about which can be vey helpful is the role of traditional healers. Traditional healers have psychic and spiritual powers.They can easily use their spiritual powers to find you a gay partner. They do not only find this person but also make him loyal to you using magical influence. When everything else looks difficult get hold of a traditional healer for help. You will not be disappointed.

Many people who have sought out help get it. Your search has come to an end if you truly need a change in your love life. Do you really need a gay lover? Are you sure?

  Click here for more information on how we can help: For more information visit the following website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

How to Attract a Woman of Your Dreams Who Is Playing Hard to Get

You have heard these stories before or even found yourself in the same scenario. You come across a beautiful lady and you are dazed. It is love at first sight. You approach the lady and she is responsive. She talks to you, flirts with you and you are able to get her telephone number and she even takes your calls. But, anything beyond that looks impossible to understand. She does not accept all your prepositions beyond talking to you. Whatever you do beyond calling her or texting her does not work. She refuses to come with you on dates. She refuses to meet with you in person.

This is the point you have to take matters into your hands. You have to force her hand using metaphysical powers. Yes, you have to use powers beyond her comprehension, so that the hunter becomes the hunted. This is very possible and it is what we do in Africa over and over again. You can move the whole length and breadth of sub Saharan Africa and you will be amazed what goes on here. You will find rich and poor men alike, having more than one wife. In fact some men have three wives at a minimum. Yes poor men, however silly it looks, women some of them of better means than the men all yearning to for their love. Is this really normal for a wealthier woman madly in love with a man of meagre resources? It is only in Africa!

One interesting story appeared in one news paper in South Africa. It was about a man who is a hunter. Forget trophy hunters, this man hunts animals for meat. He has a family of two wives and three girl friends. His picture was there in the paper and without a doubt he is man of very meagre means. What do these women see in this man? There is nothing they see in him. All this man did is to lure these women using traditional African ways and the women are madly in love with him. None of them even thinks of leaving him for someone else. This is the power of this medicine.

There is something that African men know that most societies do not know. This is forcing women into love using African traditional medicine. This medicine has all kinds of names depending on the society you come across and the language spoken. But, without a doubt each African tribe has this medicine. What the man does is to spot a woman of his dreams. He then goes to his traditional healer for help and system is put into place to get this woman. In some societies it involves getting this woman eat this medicine. In other societies it is sending spiritual powers to her that completely confuses the way she sees this man. She starts having ideas about the suitor unbeknownst to herself. Every time she puts her head down it is the thought of this man that come into her dreams. She falls in love, she gets dazed and it is as though she is on love drugs. She can hardly spend a day without the thought of this man. She finds herself running after this man begging for his love. This is reversing the roles. Instead of the man wasting a lot of time hunting down this woman, he reversed the process and he became the hunted. All he has to do is to relent and the game is done. He falls in love and that is it. He has achieved what would have taken him ages, with even some chances of failure.

These African love portions and spirits are not geographically bound. Any person can use them from anywhere. All you have to do is to acquire them and all is done. You will be able to get any woman or man of your dreams with very little effort. You will become the hunted as opposed to you hunting down the person of your dreams.

Many people who have sought out help get it. Your search has come to an end if you truly need a change in your love life. Do you really need the lost lover back? Are you sure?

Click here for more information on how we can help: For more information visit :  Website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Male Enlargement Product (5 in 1 penis organic herbs)

A Safe to add inches to Your manhood Size - In Length & Girth in a natural and affordable way.

This is a product from natural African herbs just packaged better.It is a combination of kicuaba,mulondo,entengo,maido and mulindwa herbs. This herbal treatment offers a new approach to achieving new penis size. This a herbal remedy that is used in its raw form in many parts of Africa. This product regenerates the cells responsible for your penis growth and it will start growing again. The beauty with this product is that it is in daily use in Africa it its raw form and it has no side effects.

It's just like the weapon, powerful and yet simple way to add size to your penis, maximize your sexual performance, last longer during sex and get you rock-hard erections!. It's so easy! Just use our special herbal mixture two times daily and feel your virility, and penis size skyrocket. These herbs are an 100% all-natural solution which means it is very safe with no side effects. No drugs, no embarrassing doctor visits, no dangerous surgery or stretching devices. For penis enlargement that will get you real results and includes an ironclad guarantee you can trust these herbs.

The mixture work the magic by slowly increasing the flow of blood into your penis. There are two chambers that fill with blood to cause an erection, more details can be found below. These chambers are expandable so as the natural ingredients work to push blood into your penis, the chambers gradually expand and become larger. And it's not just your erection size that will increase in size. Your flaccid state or "hang size" also increases. The mixture start working within the first couple of days. We highly recommend the 3-4 weeks package for the best results and value for money.

I don't need to tell you about the disadvantages of a small penis. You know them. If you have seen your woman cheating it may be due to lack of sexual satisfaction. Lack of sexual satisfaction can be attributed to a small penis that is not satisfying her. You do not have to despair. I can help with 5 in 1 Organic Herbs "penis pro-enlarger ".

For more information visit :  Website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Achiba Herbal Cream is used for shaping woman's body Hips, Bums and Breasts Enlargement for a more attractive body structure

This cream gives you an opportunity to naturally enlarge you breasts (cleavage) without any side effects. It is safe and the growth happens the natural way. With a bigger and better looking cleavage you feel sexy, you will be more beautiful and you will attract those men who before passed you by.

Achiba Herbal Cream for Hips, Bums and Breasts Enlargement is manufactured as a cream to help you improve the structure of your body to be sexy and look more attractive. This cream gives you an opportunity to naturally enlarge you breasts (cleavage) without side effects. It is safe and the growth happens the natural way.
With a bigger and better looking cleavage you feel sexy, you will be more beautiful and you will attract those men who before passed you by.

This cream is applied on your breast and it takes only a week to show results. The longer you continue using it the bigger your breasts grow. You should continue using the cream up until you feel you like your new look.

Remember that the changes in your breast are permanent. There are no side effects because this product is extracted from natural herbs and no chemicals are added. This is your opportunity to see your breasts grow naturally once again.

Achiba Herbal cream also works with Bums & Hips. Achiba Herbal Cream works equally well with Bums and Hips because they are made of the same genetic make up. In actual fact, cancer sufferers who get their breasts cut off often have bits of the bum or hips used to reconstruct a breast for them.

Achiba Herbal Cream is applied on the bums, and the hips to produce some special fluid to enable the growth to the applied part of your body, And within a week you will start seeing changes in the structure of the area you have applied this cream.

For more information visit :  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

The Kalahari Desert (shown in red) and the surrounding Kalahari Basin (in orange).

In African cultures, the act of healing is considered a religious act. Therefore, the healing process often attempts to appeal to God because it is ultimately God who can not only inflict sickness, but provide a cure. Africans have a religious world view which makes them aware of the feasibility of divine or spirit intervention in healing with many healers referring to the supreme god as the source of their medical power. For example, the !Kung people of the Kalahari Desert believe that the great God Hishe created all things and, therefore, controls all sickness and death. Hishe, however, bestows mystical powers for curing sickness on certain men. Hishe presents himself to these medicine men in dreams and hallucinations, giving them curative power. Because this god is generous enough to give this power to the medicine men, they are expected to practice healing freely. The !Kung medicine men effect a cure by performing a tribal dance. Loma Marshall, who took expeditions to South West Africa with her family to study the !Kung people, writing two books on their findings, describes the ceremonial curing dance as follows:

At the dances not only may the sick be cured, but pending evil and misfortune averted. The !Kung believe that the great god may send Gauwa or the gauwas at any time with ill for someone and that these beings may be lurking awaiting their chance to inflict it. The medicine men in the dances combat them, drive them away, and protect the people.c Usually there are several medicine men performing at the same time. To cure they go into trance, which varies in depth as the ceremony proceeds... When a man begins, he leaves the line of dancing men, and still singing, leans over the person he is going to cure, going eventually to every person present, even the infants. He places one hand on the person's chest, one on his or her back, and flutters his hands. The !Kung believe that in this way he draws the sickness, real or potential, out of the person through his own arms into himself... Finally, the medicine man throws up his arms to cast the sickness out, hurling it into the darkness back to Gauwa or the gauwasi, who are there beyond the firelight, with a harp, yelping cry of "Kai Kai Kai.

For more information visit : Website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Abasi Extra for penis enlargementEnlargement

'Abasi extra' on the other hand is a herb that helps grow the girth and length of your penis. 'Abasi extra' was discovered by the Acholi people in the northern part of Uganda hundreds of years ago, it is also found in the Southern Sudan . In actual fact the Dinka people of Southern Sudan apply it on their male children as soon as they start walking. Among the Dinka Acholi women a small penis is highly frowned at. They regard anybody with a small penis to being a small boy not a real man according to their belief.

The 'Abasi extra' can be taken in various ways. It can be taken in its original form. It can be taken in a powder form and now there is a cream as well produced to mach the international standard for it to be accepted for export to other Countries.

I get a supply of 'Abasi extra' from Northern Uganda & Southern Sudan but it is very popular that there is always a line of people waiting for it. If you want to grow your penis get hold of me to secure you 'Abasi extra' supply.

Abasi Herbal Extra can help make your manhood (penis) bigger and longer to the size that you desire so that you can also give your partner (Woman) the sexual enjoyment. Now with the most powerful  Abasi herbal combo, that includes Mbolo, mulondo, kicuaba,and other herbal substances including Achino herb, you can rest assured that your woman will be satisfied sexually.

Powerful Abasi Herbal Extra  " penis pro-enlarger " have been helping men from all over Africa and the world, increase self-confidence, penis size and regain their sex life like no other product on the market. When it comes to penis enlargement, it has proven to be the wise and safe choice for thousands of men, a true five-star product.

With so many products on the market, it is very easy to get confused. Penis enlargement CAN be achieved if you order this herbal mixture. Order from us, and we guarantee you will be satisfied or we will give you your money back, don't take the risk of ordering elsewhere and receiving an inferior product.

Why Should You Order and use " Abasi Herbal Extra penis pro-enlarger "?

  •         Increase's penis size and maximizes sexual performance and pleasure. Guaranteed

  •         Discreet packaging and shipping

  •         Discreet and Secure billing

  •         Manufactured in an Approved Facility

  •         Highest quality natural herbal ingredients with NO side effects

  •         Big savings on all orders

  •         Fast Customer support via phone or email

  •         Rated the most effective male enhancement on the market

After using Abasi Herbal extra, you will see a marked difference in your manhood. The length of your manhood will be so remarkably different that I am afraid if you had the opportunity, you would show it off! That is how proud you will be with your new Penis look, guaranteed.  Do not be surprised if your partners become more jealousy of you. Do not be surprised when you get constantly nagged to bed them, even at awkward hours of the day. That will be the strength of your pulling power courtesy of your new manhood (Penis).

For more information visit :  Website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Achino Herb For low Libido or Male Erection

Is your libido low? Do you struggle to get an erection or if you get an erection do not last for more than a minute? If you answered yes then 'Abasi' herb is for you. This herb is common in East Africa and it has been in use since time immemorial.

This herb is also responsible for the high population growth in these regions because there is no chance that a man will find himself un able to perform his manly duties in a home. In these regions when a man can not perform his manly duties, he might end up being rejected by women for that reason he is regarded as being cased by his elders by not teaching him how to perform his manly duties and lacking the knowledge of using the Achino Herbs. Once the man discovers that he can not perform his manly duties to satisfy his woman, he will seek for help and guidance from the elders for the knowledge of how to use the benefits of Achino herbs to restore his manhood.

I have a constant supply of 'Achino' herb, that I import from East Africa. It is very popular in that part of the Northern region as well.This is a herb has been used for thousands of years in Africa. It increases nitric oxide secretion so that the penis can take in the extra blood needed to make it hard and it's a fact, if you don't secrete enough nitric oxide - no erection can occur. This herb also increases levels of free testosterone in the body which is needed for a strong libido and for you to have the sexual stamina, to last longer in bed. It also plays a key role in relaxing the mind and fighting stress and anxiety which can cause erection problems.  There is a high demand for these herbs. You have to act quickly if you are to get part of the consignment that we have at the moment.

For more information visit :  Website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Natural Herbs Women & Men Health and Love issues

Vaginal yeast infections can be described as the most common kinds of infections attacking a great number of women. The infection normally emerges in the vagina's internal area. It occurs because of the overgrowth of fungi, called Candida or Yeast. The fungus usually resides in the vaginal area with other friendly bacteria which keeps its growth in check. In medical terms, the vaginal yeast infections are known as "monilla" or "candidiasis." In African language it is termed as "Kabotongo".
On the other hand, male yeast infection is normally caused by weakness in immune system of the body. Males are susceptible to receiving the condition on their skins around the genital area and in skin folds of their armpits. There is also thrush and oral yeast infection that may occur and treatment is normally through use of antibiotics. But some times it fails to give a postive result, When it does Reject the Antibiotics the the best way to treat it is by Using the African Traditional Herbs, There three types of rebal remedies that can be used to combart this kind of Infection.

Signs and Symptoms of Yeast Infection

It is not a fact that symptoms for yeast infection are just too obvious. Some of the symptoms people normally take as indicative of yeast infections might actually be attributed to some other infections.

Female Symptoms

The most common signs of female yeast infection are itching and burning in vaginal area. There might also be redness and burning. There is normally an increased white discharge that is thick or lumpy. The discharge normally comes with odor. Majority of women normally think that when they experience discharge or itching, then they have a yeast infection, thus run to drug stores for some cure. Itching and burning may be a sign of vulvar dermatitis, and not necessarily yeast. Additionally, utilizing cream meant for yeast may cause chemical burn owing to harshness and strength of the products.
Male yeast symptoms Bad breath, constipation and diarrheaIncreased desire for sugar-based food products. This is because the Candida normally survives on the sugar that you consume.Itchy genitals and associated problems such as pain when urinating or when having sexual intercourse.Thick, white discharge "Masila" from the penis.The head of penis becoming red and inflamed. Bumps around the glans.

Treatment for Yeast Infections

When looking for an efficient remedy for yeast infection that treats burning and itching quickly, then your best alternative is Natural Herbal Remedies. They are one hundred percent effective, cost effectual, safe to use and natural. Fortunately, this kind of treatment makes the use of ingredients which you are most likely to find by visiting the African Traditional Healer even right now. The following are some of the best natural herbal remedies for yeast infections and their application

Yeast Infections Treatment # 1 - Masaba Herbs

After using "Masaba-Herbs" you should begin with your diet first. When you require a faster recovery, then you will have to eliminate temporarily products which only add to growth of yeast, making the infection to be worse and taking longer to cure. You should get rid of alcohol, sweets, refined carbohydrates, and yeast bread. Instead, you should go for whole grains together with abundance of vegetables, fruits along with a large quantity of water. Immediately with the help of using Masaba herbs, the yeast infection is cured, you may reintroduce slowly these "banned" foods back into your diet. Masaba Herbs Only Costs R250 ($23 US dollars)

Yeast Infections Treatment #2 - "Mwetango Herbal Bathing Product"

The "Mwetango Herbal Bathing Product" is also effective for clearing the infection from spreading further, Check out your personal hygiene. You should keep the infected location clean and dry all the times that's why it is important to use "Mwetango Herbal Bathing Products". You should wash the area with mild, unscented soap and keep away from using deodorants or perfumes on the infected area. You should avoid putting on tight underwear and select cotton over nylon underwear that may trap dampness, it is better to keep clean at all time. The "Mwetango Herbal Bathing Product" will cost you only R199 ($ 20 US dollars)

Yeast Infections Treatment #3 - "African Green Garlic"

"African Green Garlic" is a cure that has been used for many years now for treating majority of infections and it is a basic yeast killer. You should simply wrap some clove of fresh, raw  "Arican Green Garlic" in a cloth or gauze and insert it into your vagina overnight. You should not forget to sew the cloth's end with a piece of thread for simple extraction.This Herbal Remedies is normally found and Used By Bagisu People in Eastern . So this might be a bit rear to find in other Countries thats why it is adviseble that you use some other products which is easily accessible to you.

Yeast Infections Treatment #4 - "Nampanga Smooth Cidar Vinegar"

"Nampanga Smooth Cidar Vinegar" normally restores the pH balance of vagina to 4.5. You should use a "Nampanga Smooth cider vinegar" for an efficient yeast infection remedy. You should just add a some of  "Nampanga Smooth cider vinegar" to a warm bath. Sit in and let this mixture do cleansing. It is also going to bring some soothing to the itching and burning vagina.  "Nampanga Smooth cider vinegar" Costs only R199 ($ 20 US dollars)

These are some of the natural cures of yeast infection. They not only cost less but they do not come with any serious side effects. 

For more information visit : Website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Giving Your Guy a Penis Sensitivity Test by using "Achino herbal Oil Product"

There are a lot of guys out there who have been led to believe that the ability to keep going at it for hours is a special gift. But most women will agree that after 20 minutes or so, enough is enough – those delicate parts are only meant to take so much of a beating. Besides, putting so much effort into getting him going without any results can be discouraging and leave women wondering whether he is really enjoying himself.

In fact, while guys may love the idea of being able to keep going long enough to give their partners pleasure, a lengthy session can get to be too much for them as well. At some point, frustration may overtake pleasure and spoil the mood, leaving both partners feeling dissatisfied and wondering what they did wrong. In many cases, it is not lack of attraction or enjoyment, but a common penis problem related to desensitization, that is leading to this loss of pleasure in intimate encounters.

While talking about penis problems may feel awkward, and no woman wants to sound like she is questioning his virility or his passion for her, working together to solve issues related to loss of feeling in penis skin can restore the pleasure a couple enjoys together and build a new level of trust between them.

Understanding the penis - what causes loss of sensitivity?

The penis is a complex organ, of these need to work well together for him to get the most out of an erotic experience.
and there are many factors related to sensation and pleasure. These include the sensory receptors in the penis skin, the circulatory system, and the condition of the outer layers of skin itself. However, this also means that if anything is not functioning correctly, loss of sensation may occur. Peripheral damage to the nerve cells in the skin, poor circulation, and toughening of the outer layers of skin (a process called keratinization) may all contribute to reduced sensitivity. These issues are common and often result from the wear and tear of daily life, and over time, they may impair his ability to detect erotic stimulation to the penis.

Testing for loss of penis sensation Before using the "Achino herbal Oil Product". The first step to overcoming loss of penis sensation is determining whether there is a problem and how extensive it might be.

Women can help their partners with a simple at-home test for sensitivity loss by following these steps:

1. The man should be undressed and standing; his eyes should be closed or covered with a blindfold. The test will work best with an erect penis.

2. The woman should gently run her fingertips over the penis, starting at the base and moving up the shaft to the head. The man should report when he can feel her touch; at any point where he cannot feel her fingers, she should take note of the location.

3. If lack of sensation is detected in any area, she may repeat the procedure using an ice cube, again noting where the sensation is either decreased or absent altogether. Caring for his package – at-home solutions for maintaining a healthy penis

If loss of sensation is detected, there are several steps that can be taken to improve sensitivity:

1. Ask him to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing that is non-binding in order to allow for adequate circulation to the area.

2. If he smokes or uses other tobacco products, he should quit – tobacco has been linked to loss of sensation and erectile dysfunction.

3. Experiment with soft touch, different positions and even toys to “retrain” his sensory tissue.

4. Apply a specialized penis nutrient formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) Commonly nown as "Achino herbal Oil Product", it containing vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants that are specifically designed to improve penis nerve and skin health.

These natural emollients help to slough away keratinized tissue, as well as supporting the regeneration of healthy skin cells. Natural moisturizers keep the skin soft, supple and responsive to the touch. "Achino herbal Oil Product" Costs R410 ($ 50 US dollars) Only.

For more information on how to get the Achino herbal Oil Product check :   http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

How to Stop Ejaculating Too Soon And Have Her Begging For More?

How to stop ejaculating too soon? This question is common among men who suffer from premature ejaculation. Let me reveal this to you. You are not alone. 40% of men suffer from this problem. But this condition is curable. But fortunately there is a permanent cure to this problem.

Don't focus on the question of "how to stop ejaculating too soon?" Focus on the solution not the problem. Let me disclose the key to end this problem. You should "arouse" your female partner first before you reach climax.

So, to prevent premature ejaculation, you need to focus on stimulating her and building up her arousal. this can be successfully dealt with if you use the Natural herbal Remedies called "kicuaba-Mulondo".

Here are the proven strategies on how to stop ejaculating too soon and give her a long passionate sex experience tonight after using the "kicuaba-Mulondo" Herbal mixture !!!!

First, let her go on top

Instead of the standard missionary position, let her get on top of you during sex.

With this "cowgirl" position, she will have a total control over the speed and intensity of penetration.

That way, you are able to relax and reduce the tension that you experience in your muscle.

When you are less stressed, you can take better control of your arousal level and your ejaculation.

With her on top of you, you'll also be able to stimulate her by caressing her fully grown breasts and touching her clitoris gently.

When you focus on her instead of your own sexual pleasure, you will be able to last longer in bed. This is one of the key ways on how to stop ejaculating too soon.

Second, perform oral sex on her after using the "kicuaba-Mulondo" herbal mixture.

Nothing can arouse a woman more than oral sex. You can help your woman to reach climax quickly by performing oral sex on her.

For variation, build in some fun when doing this. For example, play "seek and hide" when you are at home. Whoever found by the other one will perform oral sex on that person - and make sure you are the one who gets to perform oral sex on her most of the time!

When you perform oral sex on her, try to write different letters with your tongue. From my experience, the letter "i" stimulates a woman the most.

Repeat the oral sex for a few times. In no time, she will be panting and mourning in ecstasy, begging you to enter her.

When she reaches that stage and is ready for you to enter her, do so with a peace of mind. You need not worry about how to stop ejaculating too soon as at that point in time, she is ready and could not wait for you to enter her and ejaculate.

Third, wear a penis ring After using "kicuaba-Mulondo".

Do you know that most women like a hard penis? It stimulates her more than what she can say?

In fact, a hard penis is one of the answers to "how to stop ejaculating too soon", and a penis ring is what you need to help hardening your penis during sex.

A penis ring reduces the volume of blood draining out of your erection. That will keep you harder for a longer period of time without resulting in an early ejaculation.

A hard penis gives the woman intense sensations and keep her aroused faster than ever. When she's aroused and lubricated, enter her with your hard penis. Then thrust her slowly and gently, followed with a faster motion and ejaculate when she is ready.

If you can follow the above advice of using "kicuaba-Mulondo" twice for 5 days only you are most definately going to regain your man power that will stimulate your sexual activities for better, and you would no longer need to wonder "how to stop ejaculating too soon" because it will never be "too soon". The results are permanent, so your woman is ready for you! You just need to give her what she wants. Enter her, thrust her and ejaculate with a peace of mind! Try out the above methods and have her begging for more! "kicuaba-Mulondo", Can Cost you R820 ($ R97 US dollars).  Get the expert's secrets on how to stop ejaculating too soon at a price of R 410 ($ 50 US dollars)!!

For more information visit :  Website:  http://www.naturalorganicherbs.wozaonline.co.za

Natural Organic Herbs

There is a lot to admire in Africa, Many people are not aware of what Africa have got to provide, let me give you some of the insight about how Africa could became the source of natural wonders, I am not referring to only wild animals but the plants in Africa as it is regarded by many Africans "the African science and herbal Remedies". In Africa, you will find love, hapiness, friendship, pleasure, a cure to some of the difficult sicknesses, Beauty, natural wealth, to mention but a few.

African Traditional and spiritual healing is now regarded as an alternative treatment to those ills which can not be cured by western modern medicine. Although Some people might think that when you talk about the African Traditional medicines, that it means performing some animal rituals of some sort, but they are totally wrong about it or they are simply ignorant about the whole process. Are they right? No, not at all. Rituals are done in different ways for different reasons and it is not necessarily connected to Herbalism, our African Natural way of treatment. The rituals are done with the guidance of the sangoma or a spiritual healer, it has got nothing to do with our African Traditional Herbal Treatment. Rituals are part of the African tradition and it's beneficial to those who practice the traditional and cultural practices as well as those who believe in the African tradition and cultural way of doing things, only if it is done well that you will benefit from it regardless of your origin or nationality ( Black and White).

Traditional African Herbal medicine is a holistic discipline involving indigenous herbalism and African spirituality, typically involving diviners, midwives, and herbalists. We the Practitioners of traditional African culture and herbal medicine are trained to be able to cure various and diverse conditions such as Sexual problems, Relationship problems, psychiatric disorders, high blood pressure, cholera, most venereal diseases, epilepsy that seems incurable by western medicine, asthma, eczema, fever, anxiety, depression, benign pro static hyperplasia, urinary tract infections, gout, and healing of wounds and burns.

Some of the healers may employ the use of charms, incantations, and the casting of spells in their treatments. The dualistic nature of traditional African medicine between the body and soul, matter, and spirit and their interactions with one another are also seen as a form of  a healing magic. Some people gives one form of magic the name "Extra-Sensory-Rejection." This is the belief among the people of Nigeria that medicine men can implant something into a person from a distance to inflict sickness on them. This is referred to by the Ibos asegba ogwu. To remove the malignant object, the intervention of a second medicine man is typically required, who then removes it by making an incision in the patient. Egba ogwu involves psychokinetic processes. Another form of magic used by these practitioners, which is more widely known, is sympathetic magic, in which a model is made of the victim. Actions performed on the model are transferred to the victim, in a manner similar to the familiar voodoo doll. "In cases where spirits of deceased relatives trouble the living and cause illness, medicine men prescribe remedies, often in the form of propitiatory sacrifice, in order to put them to rest so that they will no longer trouble the living, especially children. Using charms and amulets to cure diseases and illnesses is an uncertain and clouded practice that requires more scientific investigation.

Diagnosis is reached through spiritual means and a treatment is prescribed, usually consisting of an herbal remedy that has not only healing abilities, but symbolic and spiritual significance. Traditional African medicine, with its belief that illness is not derived from chance occurrences, but through spiritual or social imbalance, although it differs greatly from Western medicine, which is technically and analytically based, most of the tested African processes by technical and analytical means are proved to be miraculously working, that's why most of it is being accepted by many people across the globe. In the 21st century, modern pharmaceuticals and medical procedures remain inaccessible to large numbers of African people due to their relatively high cost and concentration of health centres in urban centres. In recent years, African medical practitioners have acknowledged that they have much to learn from traditional medical practice because the African traditional herbs are found to work without leaving any side effects due to a process of treatment, these herbs are found to certified organic products safe to be consumed by humans. Loma Marshall explains that spiritual healing is very important as it guides it's followers to morally conduct them selves well in society. Loma Marshall does not give any information as to whether or not the dance is successful in curing the patient but says that it purges the people's emotions for their "support and solace and hope.

Modern science has, in the past, considered methods of traditional knowledge as primitive. Under colonial rule, traditional diviner-healers were outlawed because they were considered by many nations to be practitioners of witchcraft and declared illegal by the colonial authorities, creating a war against witchcraft and magic. During this time, attempts were also made to control the sale of herbal medicines. After Mozambique obtained independence in 1975, attempts to control traditional medicine went as far as sending diviner-healers to re-education camps. As colonialism and Christianity spread through Africa, colonialists built general hospitals and Christian missionaries built private ones, with the hopes of making headway against widespread diseases. Little was done to investigate the legitimacy of these practices, as many foreigners believed that the native medical practices were pagan and superstitious and could only be suitably fixed by inheriting Western methods. During times of conflict, opposition has been particularly vehement as people are more likely to call on the supernatural realm. Consequently, doctors and health practitioners have, in most cases, continued to shun traditional practitioners despite their contribution to meeting the basic health needs of the population.

In recent years, the treatments and remedies used in traditional African medicine have gained more appreciation from researchers in Western science. Developing countries have begun to realize the high costs of modern health care systems and the technologies that are required, thus proving Africa's dependence to it. Due to this, interest has recently been expressed in integrating traditional African medicine into the continent's national health care systems. An African healer embraced this concept by making a 48-bed hospital, the first of its kind, in Kwa-Mhlanga, South Africa, which combines traditional methods with homeopathy, iridology, and other Western healing methods, even including some traditional Asian medicine. However, the highly sophisticated technology involved in modern medicine, which is beginning to integrate into Africa's health care system, could possibly destroy Africa's deep-seated cultural values.


Traditional practitioners use a wide variety of treatments ranging from "magic" to biomedical methods such as fasting and dieting, herbal therapies, bathing, massage, and surgical procedures. Migraines, coughs, abscesses, and pleurisy are often cured using the method of "bleed-cupping" after which an herbal ointment is applied with follow-up herbal drugs. Animals are also sometimes used to transfer the illness to afterward. Some cultures also rub hot herbal ointment across the patient's eyelids to cure headaches. Malaria is cured by both drinking and using the steam from an herbal mixture. Fevers are often cured using a steam bath. Also, vomiting is induced, or emetics, to cure some diseases. For example, raw beef is soaked in the drink of an alcoholic person to induce vomiting and nausea and cure alcoholism. In Bight of Benin, the natives have been known to use the fat of a boa constrictor to cure gout and rheumatism, it also is thought to relieve chest pain when rubbed into the skin.

Medicinal plants

Africa is endowed with many plants that can be used for medicinal purposes to which they have taken full advantage. In fact, out of the approximated 6400 plant species used in tropical Africa, more than 4000 are used as medicinal plants. Medicinal plants are used in the treatments of many diseases and illnesses, the uses and effects of which are of growing interest to Western societies. Not only are plants used and chosen for their healing abilities, but they also often have symbolic and spiritual significance. For example, leaves, seeds, and twigs that are white, black and red are seen as especially symbolic or magical and possess special properties. Examples of some medicinal plants is Prunus africana with stripped bark.

Pygeum (Prunus africana): Pygeum is not only used in traditional African medicine, but has developed a following around the world, as a cure for mild-to-moderate benign pro static hyperplasia, claimed by its users to increase the ease of urination and reduce inflammation and cholesterol deposits. In traditional African practice, the bark is made into tea, whereas elsewhere in the world it is found in powders, tinctures, and pills. Pygeum has been sold in Europe since the 1970s and is harvested in mass quantities in Cameroon and Madagascar each year.

Securidaca Longepedunculata: This is a tropical plant found almost everywhere across the continent with different uses in every part of Africa. In Tanzania, the dried bark and root are used as a laxative for nervous system disorders, with one cup of the mixture being taken daily for two weeks. In East Africa, dried leaves from the plant are used in the treatment of wounds and sores, coughs, venereal diseases, and snakebites. In Malawi, the leaves are also used for wounds, coughs, venereal diseases, and snakebites, as well as bilharzia, and the dried leaves are used to cure headaches. In other parts of the continent, parts of the plant are used to cure skin diseases, malaria, impotence, epilepsy, and are also used as an aphrodisiac.

A study, entitled ACE Inhibitor Activity of Nutritive Plants in Kwa-Zulu Natal, was conducted by Irene Mackraj and S. Ramesar, both of the Department of Physiology and Physiological Chemistry; and H. Baijnath, Department of Biological and Conservation Sciences; University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban, South Africa to examine the effectiveness of 16 plants growing in Africa's KwaZulu-Natal region, concluding that eight plant extracts may hold value for treating high blood pressure (hypertension).

I would like to let all know that the size of your Penis really matters in your relationship or marriage. I got married to my wife about 1 month after we met on a photo studio, we lived happily for the first 3 months of our marriage until i and my wife started having quarrels at home because i couldn't satisfy her on bed with my little penis. Actually my penis was very small, it measured about 4.5 inch long on erection and i am 39 years old. My wife said it was forbidden by the women of this world. My wife started sleeping with other men outside. Sometimes i will return from work without finding my wife at home and whenever i call or ask her where she was, she will always snub at me and sometimes just tell me to go get a larger dick. All this continued for a long time and it hurt me so much that i was at the edge of breaking up on the marriage till when i read about a doctor called DR.Ismail. Online. I never thought i could smile and be in a happy marriage again if not for the help of DR.Ismail. I got the doctors Email: naturalorganicherbs@gmail.com on the internet and i emailed him, and he got back to me with some encouraging words, he got me some herbs cream which i use for just 8 days and i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, and without surgery. This went on for a little period of about 10 days and to my surprise my wife keeps screaming that she love my big dick now. Now my wife no longer cheat on me, and my penis is now about 10.5 inches long on erection and off course very large round. And now my wife uses breasts, hips and bums enlargement. I and my wife are very happy for the help rendered to me by DR Ismail, and i want to say a big thanks to Doctor for the help. You can contact the Doctor now on his Email:  naturalorganicherbs@gmail.com Am thankful to the doctor for helping me.

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